Saturday, 9 April 2011
Stephen Little John View
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Saturday, 9 April 2011
Filsafat Komunikasi
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A. Metatheoritical Phase
Meta has several senses:
- Changed the position (changed in position);
- On the other side, outside or exceed (beyond);
- Outside of understanding and human experience (trancending);
- Higher (higher);
B. Hypothetical Phase
The theory is the stage where it looks a picture of reality and knowledge development framework.
C. Descriptive Phase
This stage includes actual statements regarding events and discoveries related to it.
The four themes are:
A. Epistemology theme (the question of knowledge)
Is the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods and limits of human knowledge.
Little John ask the question:
With the process of how the emergence of knowledge?
There are four positions:
B. Ontology theme (the question of existence)
Ontology is the branch of philosophy about the nature of being (nature of being) or the nature of the phenomenon we want to know, in a sociology related to the nature of social interaction.
In communication theory looks various ontological position, but can be grouped into two opposing positions:
One theory are in focus. Perspective correlated with epistemology and ontology due to how theoreticians looked knowledge and how they affect the theory perspective. Communication theory presents a special perspective from which the process can be seen.
A perspective is a point of view, a way of conceptualizing a field of study. This perspective is guiding a theorist in choosing what will be the focus and what will be left, how to explain the process, and how to conceptualize what is observed.
Four types are judged adequate in the discussion of perspectives, namely:
D. Axiology theme (questions about value)
Branch of philosophy that examines the values. For communication experts, there are three issues axiological:
So overall, axiological issue there are two general positions, namely:
The four themes are:
A. Epistemology theme (the question of knowledge)
Is the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods and limits of human knowledge.
Little John ask the question:
With the process of how the emergence of knowledge?
There are four positions:
- Mentalism or rationalism which states that the knowledge arising from the power of the human mind. This position puts the human reasoning.
- Empiricism which states that knowledge appears in perception. Seeing the world what was happening.
- Konstruksivism which states that people create pragmatic knowledge to function in life. Believes that the phenomena in the world can be conceptualized in various ways, in which knowledge plays an important role to manipulate the world.
- Social Konstruksivism taught that knowledge is a product of symbolic interaction in a social group. Reality is socially constructed as a product group life and cultural life.
B. Ontology theme (the question of existence)
Ontology is the branch of philosophy about the nature of being (nature of being) or the nature of the phenomenon we want to know, in a sociology related to the nature of social interaction.
In communication theory looks various ontological position, but can be grouped into two opposing positions:
- Actional theory;
That people create meaning, they have goals, they determine the real choice. Based on a teleological foundation stating that the decision is designed to achieve the goal. - Nonactional theory;
That behavior is essentially determined by and responsive to the pressures ago. This tradition postulates closed normally deemed appropriate, the active interpretation of a person seen with the eye.
C. Perspective theme (the question of focus)
One theory are in focus. Perspective correlated with epistemology and ontology due to how theoreticians looked knowledge and how they affect the theory perspective. Communication theory presents a special perspective from which the process can be seen.
A perspective is a point of view, a way of conceptualizing a field of study. This perspective is guiding a theorist in choosing what will be the focus and what will be left, how to explain the process, and how to conceptualize what is observed.
Four types are judged adequate in the discussion of perspectives, namely:
- Behavioristic perspective;
Arising from the behavioral psychology or behavioral, emphasizing the stimuli and responses that tend to emphasize the way that people affected by the message. - Transmissional perspective;
Regard communication as transmission of information from the source to the receiver, using a linear model movement from one location to another location. Emphasizes on communication media, time and elements consequential. - Perspektif Interaksional (interactional perspective);
Mengakui bahwa para pelaku komunikasi secara timbal balik menanggapi satu sama lain. Umpan balik dan efek bersama merupakan kunci konsep. - Transactional perspective;
Emphasizing activities give each other. Looking at something in the communication where participants are actively involved, emphasizing the context, processes and functions. Communication is seen as a situational and dynamic process that meets the functions of individual and social
D. Axiology theme (questions about value)
Branch of philosophy that examines the values. For communication experts, there are three issues axiological:
- What is Non Value Theory ?
Classic science considers the theory and value-free research. Science is neutral, attempt to obtain the facts as they appear in the real world.
If there is the establishment of science is not value-free, because the researchers' work is guided by an interest in certain ways in carrying out investigations.
Some scholars argue that the theory never value-free in the methods and substance. Scientists choose what will be learned, and the election was influenced by the values of both personal and institutional. - To what extent the influence of the practice of investigation of the object being studied?
Scientific point of view shows that scientists have to observe carefully, but without interference while maintaining the purity of observation. Some critics maintain that theory and knowledge affect human survival. - To what extent science seeks to achieve social change ?
Whether the scientists would remain objective or will seek to foster social change in ways that are positive? The role of scientists is to produce science, bachelor responsible shall develop positive change.
So overall, axiological issue there are two general positions, namely:
- Value-conscious recognizes the importance of value for research and theory together attempt to direct the values to positive goals.
- Value-neutral believe that science distancing itself from the values, and that scholars of controlling the effect of values.
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