Saturday, 22 August 2015
Recognizing and Utilizing Fill Handler for Creating a Data Series
When a cell (or cells) was selected, then in the lower right corner there is a selection called mark Fill Handler. You can utilize this Handler Fill to create a series of data and management of other cells.
Disabling Fill Display Handler
Although by default .Fill Handler in an invisible, but you can hide this facility through the Excel Options dialog box, Advanced, and disable the option Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop.
Using Fill Handler for Creating Serial Number
Various kinds of data beamed (understood Excel) can be made with menyeretkan Handler to fill the column direction (downward) or in the direction of the line (to the side).
Creating a Data Series Threaded
If you have the data first, then draw the fill Handler will make the data series 1,2,3,4 ... etc.
Data A will happen Series A, B, C, D .... and so on.
April data series will take place in April, May, June, July .... etc.
Data Friday, the series will take place Friday, Saturday, Sunday •••• ff.
Data Number 100, will occur serial No. 100, No. 101, No. 102 •••• ff.
Creating a Data Series with Interval
To make the data series at intervals you should have at least two data showing before dragging Fill Handler intervals, for example as follows:
Cell A1 contains 1, A2 contains 5, if the handler dragged fill will occur 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 ... and so on. In this case Excel will calculate the difference between the first data and the second interval sebaga1 used to prepare the next series.
Creating a Data Series to Side and Down with the Fill Handler
If you must make a serial number with the order sideways and decreased as shown in the figure below, it is with a certain tricks can be done easily.
- Type 51, 52, 53,54 in cell B3, C3, D3 and D3, then 55, 56, 57, 58 in cell B4, C4, D4, and E4.
- Block the cells B3: E4, and then drag the fill handler who is on the bottom right corner of the block toward the bottom as much as you need.
Creating Series with Double Click on the Fill Handler
If the cell A1: A1OO (for example), pre-filled data in a row (not contain empty cells) then the column next to it you can make a serial number with an easier way. The way the question is to double click on Fill Handler.
In figure you see a few examples of serial composition, including the composition of the name, serial number, preceded another text. To provide input series, you simply select one cell, looking for a particular berinterval series, you are asked to choose at least two cells to take up interval of the series. In principle, double-click the fill handler is to copy these cells down following the right or left cells already filled data. If you choose are the two data down, there will be a series of data with the same interval between the first and second of data.
In particular if you type in the 1st Quarter (meaning the first quarter), the data series that takes place only until the 4th and not forwarded to the 5th Quarter.
The following kinds of series that can be accepted by the system:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …
9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, ...
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, ...
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, ...
Jan Feb, Mar, Apr, ...
Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct, Jan, ...
Jan-99, Apr-99 Jul-99, Oct-99, Jan-00, ...
15-Jan, 15-Apr, 15-Jul, 15-0ct, .. .
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, .. .
1-Jan, 1-Mar 1-May, 1-Jul, 1-Sep, ...
Qtr3 (atau Q3 atau Quarter3) Qtr4, Qtr1, Qtr2, ...
1st Period, 2nd Period, 3rd Period, ...
Product 1, Product 2, Product 3, ...
Text1, textA, text2, textA, text3, textA, ...
Data Series Date Behind Another text
If at any time you require the writing of the data series in front of her date but no other text such as "Sales Results Date", then there is a little trick that should be done.
The following steps:
- In cell F1 type 25 April 2007, after pressing ENTER in the cell by default will happen display 25-Apr-07.
- Double click on the fill handler resulting in a data series of 25-Apr-07, 26-Apr-07, 27 -Apr-07 ... and so on until all the column next to the pre-filled data.
- Choose the data and format by pressing Ctrl + 1. In the Cell Format dialog box select the Custom tab and in the Type box Dab " Hasil Penjualan pada tanggal " (include also quote mark) in front of d-mmm-yy.
- Click OK then the data currently selected in front of him will grow with the special text that you insert earlier.
Copying Formulas Jumping Line
In the figure below there is a formula (formula) in cell C2. If pulled fill his handler will generate the number 0 in cell C3, C4, and C5. Therefore, to avoid the copy in an empty cell, select the cell source including the empty cells are desired, namely C2: C5. Further drag it fill handler corresponding multiples of 4 cells, then the result will be as shown in the following figure.
Techniques to Make More Series
You try to complete mastery of the technique as follows:
- Type 1 Jan 2000 in line 1.
- Drag it fill handler using the right mouse button until the 20th row and then release. Shortcut menu will appear next to it.
- Select Fill Weekdays, then the result will be seen in the Figure below.
Also try the other menu options to see the resulting effect.
Enter data using the Custom Fill Series
You can create a Custom Fill series in accordance with your own, such as making order of the day in Indonesian Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or any other sequence.
Therefore the system Excel with the option Regional English (US) does not understand the names of days as above, then you should enter the series with the following steps:
- Click the Microsoft Office button and click Excel Options.
- On Personalized, under Top Option for working with Excel click the "Edit Custom List".
- In the Custom Lists dialog box, type in the box List Entries Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ... ff. Then click the Add button.
- After the above process, Excel now recognize the order of the day in Indonesian.
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