Saturday, 2 April 2011
Code of Conduct Public Relations
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Saturday, 2 April 2011
Ilmu Komunikasi
Pengantar Komunikasi
In carrying out his professional activities, a member must respect the public interest and the dignity of every member of society.
Being a personal responsibility to be fair and honest with clients, both former and present, and to fellow members of the Association, members of the communications media and the wider community.
POINT 2 : Dissemination of Information
A member will not disseminate, deliberate and irresponsible, information paIsu or misleading, and instead they will try as hard as possible to prevent it. He is obliged to maintain the integrity and accuracy of information.
POINT 3 : Communication Media
A member shall not carry out activities that may harm the integrity of the communication media.
POINT 4 : Hidden Interests
A member will not involve itself in any activity that deliberately aims to divide or misleading, in a way as if she wanted to advance a particular interest, but instead they want to advance the interests of another hidden. A member is obliged to keep the true interests of partner organizations it works really well done.
POINT 5 : Confidential Information
A member (unless instructed by law enforcement authorities) will not submit or make use of the information provided to him, or obtained, in person and on the basis of trust, or confidential, from his clients, both in the Ialu, now or in the future front, in order to gain personal benefit or for the benefit of another without the consent of the respective clear.
POINT 6 : Conflict of Interest
A member shall not represent the interests of conflicting interests or competing, without clear consent of the parties concerned, to advance any relevant facts.
POINT 7 : Sources Payments
In providing services to their clients, a member will not receive payment, either in cash or in kind, granted in connection with these services, from any source, without the clear consent of his client.
POINT 8 : Notifying Financial Interests
A member, who has a financial interest in an organization, would not advise a client or employer to use the organization's services or utilize the services of the organization, without prior notice contained personal financial interest in the organization.
POINT 9 : Based Payments Work
A member will not negotiate or agree to terms with potential employers or prospective clients, based payments that depend on the outcome of specific public relations work in the future.
POINT 10 : Work Superimposed Riding Other Members
A member who is looking for a new job or activity by approaching directly or personally, prospective employer or a potential candidate for a subscription, will take the necessary steps to determine whether the work or activities already carried out by other members. If so, then it was his duty to inform the members about the efforts and approach to be done to the client. (Some or all of this article is in no way intended to dissuade members of the service advertises its services in general).
POINT 11 : Imbalan kepada Karyawan Kantor kantor Umum
Seorang anggota tidak akan menawarkan atau memberikan imbalan apa pun, dengan tujuan untuk memajukan kepentingan pribadinya (atau kepentingan klien), kepada orang yang menduduki suatu jabatan umum, apabila hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan kepentingan masyarakat luas.
POINT 12 : Members employ Parliament
A member who employs a member of Parliament, either as a consultant or executive, will notify the Chairman of the Association about it and about the type of work in question. Chairman of the Association will record it in a notebook that is specifically made for that purpose. A member of the Association who happens to also be a member of Parliament, shall notify or provide opportunities that unfold, to the Chairman, all information whatsoever about him.
POINT 13 : Members Pollute Other members
A member will not be in bad faith libelous or professional practice other members.
POINT 14 : Instruction / Command Parties Other parties
A member who knowingly caused or allow another person or organization to act in such a way that contrary to this code of conduct, or participate personally take part in such activities, shall be deemed to have violated this Code.
POINT 15 : Good Name Profession
A member will not behave in such a way that harm the good name of the Association, or the profession of public relations.
POINT 16 : High Uphold the Code of Ethics
A member shall uphold this Code, and shall cooperate with other members in upholding the Code of Conduct, as well as in implementing decisions about any decisions that arise as a result of the implementation of the decision. If a member, has reason to presume that the other members are involved in activities which could damage the Code, then he is obliged to notify the Association. All members are required to support the Association in implementing and enforcing this Code, and the Association shall support any members who apply and fulfilling this Code.
POINT 17 : Other Professions
In acting for a client or employer is incorporated in a profession, a member will appreciate the Code of the profession and will not knowingly participate in any activity that could contaminate the Code.
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