Monday, 4 April 2011
History of Communication
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Monday, 4 April 2011
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Knowledge is not a science. There are several things that must be met for a credible knowledge, or meet scientific requirements, among others, must be empirical, Verivikatif, non-normative, transmissible, general, and explanotory.
In addition, science must also emphasize the aspect of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. He must be scientific, systematic sampling methods, object of study, locus, and a particular focus in relation to the understanding of science above, communication science often get doubts in existence as a science in advanced information technology today. This probably is due to the historical development of communication into a science through the stages of space-time that is too far away (by understanding the historical record of the development of science communication in the mainland United States).
Development of communication as a science has always been associated with the activities of the rhetoric that occurred in ancient Greece, giving rise to the understanding of western thinkers that the development of communication at that time experienced a period of darkness (dark ages) because it does not develop in ancient Roman times. And just starting its development recorded during the discovery of the printing press by Guttenberg (1457). So the problem that arises is, the time span between the development of science communication that was originally known rhetoric in ancient Greece, to the history of communication during the recording of thought leaders in the 19th century, very much. So that the history of the development of science communication itself cut off approximately 1400 years. Yet according to another note, the actual activities undertaken rhetoric in ancient Greece also continued the development of its activities in the Middle Ages (future spread of religion). Giving rise to the assumption that the development of the communication into a science is never interrupted, meaning there is no history of missing link in the development of communication. This paper wants to lift the age distribution of the religion which takes place between the time span (medieval) being part of the development of science communication. So medieval become a bridge of communication flow of development from the time of ancient Greece to the renaissance era, modern, and contemporary.
Has been mentioned above that the phenomenon of developing communication and recorded back at the beginning of the discovery of the printing press by Gutenberg (1457). In fact, in previous centuries, communication activities have been developing quite rapidly which takes place in medieval times (the spread of religion). Perhaps a time when the discovery of the printing press itself took place in the renaissance era, where the ideas of scientists have been free from religious dogmas. So they do not offend the religious distribution period as part of the historical development of the communication itself. The period between the year 500 BC (period of thought in ancient Greek rhetoric) until the invention of the printing press (1457 AD) is the centuries where there is the process of development of communication in this form a religious teachings and beliefs (which of course also can not be denied that the distribution activities of religion, rhetoric and other forms of communication tend to play a major role in changing one's beliefs). So it does not violate the rules that this paper tries to pick future spread of religion and the teachings of the sages that took place between the time span used as part of the chain of the missing history of the development of the communication sciences.
At first the development of the communication that occurs in Roman times (as a development from ancient Greece around 500 BC-5 M) having problems, because at that time the Roman experience a period of darkness (dark ages). In fact, a period of darkness that occurred in Europe this is the other side of the golden age of Islamic civilization, which at this time of the development of science (including communication activities) is quite significant. In addition, the development of communication is also very advanced rapidly in China which has started in 550 BC. Indeed, personal communication activities in the form of rhetoric that took place in China and Islam is more emphasis on the deployment of the teachings and beliefs. Different in Greece and Rome were more political. One of the teachings that developed the doctrine Confucianism in China. Kong Hu Cu (part of Confucianism) was born in about 550 BC whose teachings have been aged 2000 years. Confucius began to teach philosophy of life when China is still fragmented. In its distribution, communication is done already highly developed after the invention of paper by Ts'ai Lun (105 M). However, when the Qin dynasty (215 BC-206 BC), the emperor Qin Shi Hung prohibit Confucianism, so many books were burnt. However, when the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), Confucianism began to reach the golden period back. For example with the establishment of some sort of Imperial University who left the teachings of Confucianism books like the book Shi Ching (collection of songs), Shu Ching (documents), the I Ching (Book of experts forecasts), Ch'un Ch'iu (significant events) , and Li Chi (ceremonies). Confucianism lasted long enough until the time of the fall of the Ching dynasty (1644-1911). This identifies that the process of development of communication are more inclined to the spread of the teachings of Confucianism in China.
Activity communicates in the form of propaganda has also been there at the time of Jesus Christ. Isa which at that time wanted to teach the doctrine of God, was challenged by the Jews. Isa considered a hazard by the Jews, that Jews are trying enrages Roman authorities when it controlled Palestine. This effort eventually succeeded in influencing the political attitude of the Roman authorities who initially did not interfere in the religious, has now changed course ordered his soldiers to arrest Jesus and condemn Jesus. However, the historical record shows that Jesus did not actually die accursed on the cross, he was rescued by Pilate who has worked with Yusuf Aritmatea (John, 19:38). After showing the evidence to his student that he did not die on the cross (Mark, 16: 19-20), the Messiah decided at God's command to leave Palestine and explore the various countries where dwell the tribes of Israel were lost to continue delivering his treatise (preaching) (Esther 3: 6, 1: 1, 2: 6, and II Kings 15:29). The last country in which he is the resting place of Srinagar, India. Communications in the form of propaganda teachings conducted at the time of Jesus is proven by the explanation of the Dalai Lama (Tibet Budhah pastor) that Jesus is one of those revered in Budhah teachings. It is closely related to trust Budhah saying that Baghawa Metteya (wanderer white; Isa Al Masih) never came to teach his teachings in India. Also with the discovery of a scroll (numbering 84,000 rolls rolls) that it tells activities spread of the teachings of Jesus in India. Other evidence also by the discovery of graves Yus Asaf in Srinagar, Kashmir by the West German team which is the grave of Prophet Jesus, who died at the age of 120 years. (Thre Tribune, Chandigarh, May 11, 1984).
Communications in the Islamic world had actually been experiencing significant growth. Just as the phenomenon Communication happened in the days of Jesus Christ, Islam was more oriented communication system of propaganda that seeks to change or influence the nature of one's mind to follow Islamic law. Muslim civilization in relation to the development of communication has recorded history which is quite amazing. At the time Omayyed for example, has found a way of astronomical observations in the 7th century AD, eight centuries before Galileo and Copernicus. Nexus between East and West during the Crusades (1100-1300 AD) is very important for the development of science communication in Europe. Because at a time of expansion, the Arabs had taken over the culture of Byzantium, Persia, and Spain, so the level of Islamic culture is much higher than the European culture (Brower, 1982; 41). University of Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, and Cairo store and provide scientific heritage of India, Persia, Greece, and Byzantium, so that Europe receives legacy of Greek philosophy through the Arabs who first studied it. Because the Arabs have translated the works of famous man like Plato, Hippocrates and Aristotle. Around the 14th century at the time of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1368), the influence of Islam is characterized by researchers in the field who founded the first astronomical observatory, namely Jamal Al-Din.
Development of communication in a more Islamic propaganda was not separated from the connection as part of a form of communication, because in Arabic, propaganda means call, call, or a call. According to Sanusi Salahuddin, which is defined by Bahiyul Khuli in his book entitled Tadzkiratud Du'at, preaching is a communication arising from the interaction between individuals and groups of people who aim to move people out of a negative situation (time of ignorance) to a positive situation , At the time of Prophet Muhammad (570 AD-632 AD), the spread of Islam took place in a relatively short time (8-9 M). Muhammad did his message to Mecca in the year 610 AD Within 25 years, Muhammad and his followers (known as Muslims), took power in the Arab region, and Islam then develop very rapidly. In about the year 650 AD, Arab, the whole middle east region, and Egypt controlled by the Muslims, and in the year 700 AD, Islam dominates a large area ranging from mainland China and India in the east to North Africa and Spain in the west. The rapid development of Islam could be the impact of the use of propaganda-propaganda which contains the teachings of Islam, such as; propaganda which contains about jihad fisabilillah, which guarantees to go to heaven for those who die in their efforts to fight for Islam. This means that there is an effective form of communication that can affect the confidence of millions of people in a very short time.
communication begins with the command of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad to give a warning (in this case preaching) to man to believe in God. Initially communication was done secretly and openly resumed as from subsequent revelations that commanded the Prophet to preach openly (Surah Al-Hijr; 94-95).
In the written media, has actually been initiated by the Prophet, when he sent a letter saying the invitation to embrace Islam to the kings in Europe. For example, the prophet had sent a letter to the king Hiraqla da'wah (king in Rome East) called Hirakles, king of Ethiopia named Najsyi, and others. In each letter, always stamp made of silver engraved inscription "Muhammadurrasulullah". With this example, the Prophet has pioneered a system of journalism in communicating Islam as a form of propaganda. In the process, the communication has been so advanced, another example in terms of the discussions that are part of a form of group communication. In preaching, the Prophet always make communication as propaganda by appropriate methods and if we look closely will be very relevant to the current discussion method. In his message, the discussion certainly based on the following things: a strong reason (proof), tutr wise and sensible words (uslub), and the etiquette of good manners. Back conjunction de Ngan press as part of the communication, Islam has pioneered the development of communication itself, once again in the form of propaganda. For example down temurunnya prophetic narrations and the Sunnah Prophet. History has revealed to us that the development and brilliance of Islam has broken the horizon and the days of sera century passed other countries and continents. This is thanks to the journalists Islam as Shafi '(who adapted the majority Muslim sect Indonesia), Malik Ahmad Hanbali, Hanafi, Abu Dawud, and so were his writings in the field of legal jurisprudence. In philosophy such as Al Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Imam Ghazali, Jamaludin Al afgani, Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Rashid Ridla, and others.
The field of medicine, Avicenna has written a book that contains the rules in medical science that many adapted by scientists in the field of medicine today. From this description, it can be said that in fact the Islamic civilization (in relation to a bridge connecting the history of communication) have continued or bequeath communication from the teachings of the Greek mentioned above, for the then newly adapted by Europeans and beyond America (as the impact of intellectual migration from mainland Europe to the North American continent at the time of Hitler).
See description of the historical development of communication in the Middle Ages above, there arises the question, why the rhetoric in terms of propaganda activities that occurred in medieval times was not made part of the chain of historical development of the communication by the western thinkers? To answer this question, let's look at the phases of the development of science itself from age to age. Developing science, first in ancient Greece. Then proceed in the Middle Ages (which actually was a time spread of religion). Mentioned above, spread examples taken religion is Islam which is taking place in the Middle Ages.
Then the science of growing again in Renaissance (14-17 AD), where most thought leaders in this century was free and no longer bound by religious dogmas. Call it like Isaac Newton and Darwin. This era is the era of transition from the Middle Ages into the modern era. When in modern times, the sciences that developed was more based on the thoughts of scientific and empirical. As Darwin was very fanatic with his theory of evolution. This may cause a lot of communication theories that were never included big names of scholars-Islamic scholars (such as Al Kindi, Al-Farabi, etc.) as a meritorious figure in developing the communication itself in the Middle Ages. Perhaps this has something to do with the period of darkness (dark ages) that occurred in Europe which at that time was the golden age of Islamic civilization. Examples of important events that the Crusades were repeated six times. This is not only a physical battle arena, but also aware of European soldiers will be the progress of Islamic countries so fast. So they spread their experiences it on his return in the respective countries.
In 1453 AD, Istanbul fell to the Turks, so the priest or scholar fled to Italy or other countries. These are the pioneers of the development of science in Europe. When in fact they have to get knowledge of Islamic civilization which has developed first. Regarding the development of communication that are more likely claimed as part of the development of science in America and Europe, is actually back in the mindset of the benefits of science are found. Basically, the Americans and Europeans tend to patent an invention, whereas thinkers in Asia and the Middle East civilizations are more likely to benefit from the findings. And clearly, history tells clearly that the highly advanced civilization has taken place first in China and the Middle East.
Historical explanation above is enough to prove that the real history of the development of communication was never interrupted. Because basically the relationship between communication as part of the development of human civilization so closely. This is because the activities of rhetoric already in medieval times, but did not form a science. Phenomenon more in the nature of propaganda (the spread of religion) is a new form of social phenomena, and at that time there is a science that is not specialized focus and locus study of communication. But at least the above enough argues that the communication is already very old phenomenon occurs and the new assessed as a whole as a science in the 19th century on the American mainland.
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